These are the most modern method of replacing missing teeth. Research shows that 85 percent of people who wear full or partial dentures experience some related discomfort and difficulty. Dental implants can eliminate those problems, restore self-confidence and improve the quality of life. From a single missing tooth to an entire set of teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent alternative to problem dentures, and help prevent the premature loss of remaining teeth . Dental implants can last a lifetime and are an excellent investment in oral health.

Explanation of the Process
Performing Rare Surgery
Talk on Implants in Canada
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Full mouth rehabilitation with implants is the best possible method of regaining full function & aesthetics. After proper evaluation of bone for quantity & quality, 6 implants are placed in Upper jaw & 6 are placed in lower jaw. On these implants, teeth are constructed to provide full function & aesthetics. We provide immediate function in full mouth rehabilitation cases. We also use Paulo Maulo's "All on 4 techniques."Our Centre was the among the first one's in India to introduce "Computer Guided Implant placement" using Nobel Guide (Upgraded now to Nobel Clinician)
case i



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26 year old patient with congenitally missing permanent teeth. Function & aesthetic restored with Computer guided placement of 18 Implants with immediate function.
case 2



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Finally !
Full mouth rehabilitation of 56 year old edentulous male with 12 implants & metal ceramic teeth.
Anterior implants
A single implant can be placed for each missing tooth as is visible in Case No 4 & 6 or teeth can be constructed in the form of implant supported bridge as can be seen in Case No 4 ( 6 teeth on 4 Implants), Case No 6 & 7 ( 3 Teeth on 2 Implants).case 3



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3 missing teeth in upper arch of 43 year old female restored aesthically & functionally with 3 implants & 3 metal ceramic crown.
case 4



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27 year old male with missing front 6 teeth due to trauma restored with 4 implants & 6 unit metal ceramic bridge.
Posterior Implants
case 5



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Finally !
Missing posterior teeth in a 60 year old female patient replaced with a one implant for each tooth.
case 6



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Missing posterior teeth replaced with 2 implants & 3 unit Porcelain fused to metal bridge.
case 7



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A similar case of missing Posterior teeth replaced with 2 implants & 3 unit Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridge.
Locator appliances are a perfect way of giving a semi-permanent fixed set of teeth in patients with deficient bone (Quantity & Quality) in the posterior part of their jaws. This prevents additional expenses & surgical procedures like Sinus Lift Surgeries & Bone Augmentation procedures. 4 implants are usually placed in upper jaw. Locator abutments are placed on top of implants & the locator denture caps are placed in the dentures for retention purpose, so as to provide full function & 8



Finally !